Concerns: The trafficking of illegal weapons in Ethiopia

Deutsche Beira, a cultural archaeologist at the Archeology and Conservation Authority, conducted six years of research on what it is like to be a trafficker in the Gulele area.

Concerns: The trafficking of illegal weapons in Ethiopia

They remember that their study was in areas associated with the bushfire in Gulele sub-city. From what they understood at that time, illegal trafficking occurred at night.

This was made possible by recording the times when loudspeakers were heard in the bush and especially in the cemeteries of Medieval Medieval.

• What is the proliferation of illegal weapons trafficking?

They recalled that firearms heard in the woods and burial places were searched during gun sales.

At the time, the only thing that was problematic in their study was the licensing of the device.

The licensee will remember that the source of the device is available, why it is needed, and the person who wants to be given permission without knowing what the device is, can only find a photo of the device.

This week marks the anniversary of the international arms embargo.

It is frequently heard that in different parts of Ethiopia, both in regions and in Addis Ababa, illegal weapons are being transferred.

Experts say that this transfer of illegal firearms, especially after the arrival of Prime Minister Hailemariam, has raised concerns that this situation will not lead to serious harm.

A former security analyst for the BBC, Mr Dade Desta, said that the distribution of illegal weapons that could be seized by individuals or small groups would be a power-sharing exercise, while in the hands of other people, groups and organizations.

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Mr Dade also links trafficking with illegal weapons, regional conflicts, propaganda equipment, and imported organizations to fight peacefully.

He added that the transfer of weapons could make the move too dangerous. And when society loses its trust in the government, it can also raise concerns about the possibility that it can lead to arms trafficking.

Number of weapons seized by Customs and Customs

Customs has 12 branches nationwide, and it has been found that nine types of illegal weapons and ammunition were seized in nine branches in 2011 and 2012.

Data from Revenue and Gamburuk indicate that the number of weapons seized in Gumuruk and defense in 2011 alone is 2020 rifles, 62 Klangkov rifles, 4 machine guns.

In the same year, 917 ammunition ammunition, 2,983 artillery ammunition, 15,717 ammunition ammunition, and 80,774 machine guns were recovered.

In the same year, it was reported to have 1 machine gun, 113 Klangkov, and 382 guns.

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In the same year, Gumuruk records that 111 machine guns, 3,5111 artillery shells, 5,231 Clanskov rifles, 4,910 rifles, and 122 caskets.

According to the information, the largest number of illegal firearms and ammunition were seized at the Kaliti and Bahar branch offices of the nine Gambur branch offices, while the inferior weapon was seized by the subsequent branch office.

According to Zelalem, head of the task force's Intelligence and Controller Monitoring Process, he said in a special inspection conducted by Bole Airport Security Store in 2011, there were also 3 sniper rifles, 20 kilograms of ammunition.

The official, who did not know when the weapons were in and who they were in, said they had a general inspection in the warehouse.

Information from Gumuruk shows that 1 pistol was found in the same warehouse as a passenger from Germany.

He also said that 59 rifles and 122,000 ammunition that he had been escorting to the security personnel without his permission were also locked in Gumuruk and the company's key, he added.

They told the BBC they are still locked up because they have not received a decision.

The landscape through regions

Haifay Meles, director of public relations at the Bureau of Security and Security in Tigray, says there are illegal weapons circulating in various locations in the region.

They remember that 155 rifles, 16 grenades, 22 bombs and 10,922 shots were fired last year.

They also confirmed that these illegal weapons were seized when they entered the Tigray region from the Amhara region and Sudan.

Others have been trapped in activities in one location in Tigray, he added to the BBC.

• ".We have declared war."

He pointed out that these illegal arms transfers indicate that there is a need for exploitation and exploitation.

He said that the parties who were transporting the illegal weapon had been identified by law, and that there had been cases.

We have repeatedly tried to obtain information on illegal weapons from Oromia, the Amhara region, and the federal police, but they were unsuccessful.

Measures taken

Rainbutu, director of public relations and communications affairs at the Attorney General's Office, points to the need to keep the current national change from stagnating as the reason for the widespread spread of illegal weapons.

Specifically, he said that the trafficking of illegal firearms is an unacceptable component of public unions, and that organized groups working to mobilize their financial resources are involved.

On the other hand, they say there is also a growing demand for firearms in connection with the threat posed by various factors.

Rainbuy, who says he regularly monitors the smuggling system, will track down those who try to import illegal weapons, but there are no indications that the trafficking of illegal weapons is increasing.

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He said the case is being tried in court and that the cars the vehicles were transporting were seized and confiscated according to legal decisions.

He said the arms would cross the border and enter the border between Sudan and Ethiopia on the east, the Somali border in the south, and Moyale Kenya, where the border is widely traded.

A new law for counting illegal weapons

Dessalegn Berara recalled that the study of the use of firearms and the revision of the law would have been made in the context of a clear direction on who should be armed.

According to the BBC, a strong legal framework is being set up to ensure that the parties involved in the crackdown are given appropriate punishment.

Speaking on the need to draft and implement a uniform system, due to issues that are not covered by the existing laws, we need to decide how farmers can be managed by remembering that they are armed with cultural tools.

While the current law requires that illegal firearms be confiscated, the law states that the traffickers will not be subject to severe penalties.

He said the draft law has been being rolled out since the middle of last year, and said that its use of weapons, activities prohibited, weapons possession, weapons licensing, and weapons licensing were included in the draft.

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He added that the new draft law will include who will be attacked and what equipment can be armed at the institutional level.

A teacher in the draft law is sitting and saying, "Arrested, stored, diverted, repaired, observed and robbed will be punished in silence."

The penalty imposed on the draft proclamation has been in force for 10 years, he said.

He said the equipment is working in border areas and is working to reach an agreement with neighboring countries to avoid that.

The prosecutor said that several assets related to crime were made available to the government in court and outside of court (Customs Authority) during the first quarter of 2012, including weapons.

They describe 4 heavy machine guns, 42 firearms, 1 macrov, 20,996 missiles, 27 handguns, as well as 10,676 assault rifles, 1 rifle firearm, 6 pistol, a police command and customs warrant for confiscation.

He explained that the defendants' bail has been suspended and that their case is being considered by law.

Rain also added that three Isuzu cars and other vehicles were seized for carrying weapons, and Isuzu said the truck was imported because of false documents.

What does the proliferation of illegal weapons transfers mean?

Political analyst Mr Dade says there is a chance that the illegal weapons could be in the hands of thugs or those with unlawful political objectives, not only undermining the government but also putting society at risk.

Mr Dade says the move could make it too risky to get in and out. And when society loses confidence in the government, it can also raise concerns about the possibility that it can lead to arms sales to protect the family.

• Moving a firearm was prohibited

• Where is the source of the weapons?

Dade stressed that maintaining law and order is the responsibility of the government, saying: "The government should make sure that it has the necessary control.

They say that the only reason the citizen is armed with a secret weapon is political, which would put the country at risk. He said it would likely lead to the massacre, especially if the weapons were controlled by organized forces.
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